Tuesday, June 16, 2009


LAKERS CRUISE to the 2009 NBA Championship in 96-88 WIN!

LAKERS CHAMPS Celebration & Trophy Presentation!

NBATV PostGame Analysis & Celebration

NBAonTNT Guys Interview Finals MVP KOBE Right After the Win!

Here at Eight Five Fresh... we support the Underdog's... so it's only right that we acknowledge the Greatness that is Kobe Bryant & the 2009 NBA Champion Lakers! Alot said they wouldnt even get past the Nuggets in the Conference Finals but the talent & hardwork showed through. Alot said that Kobe Bryant would never win a Chip w/o Shaquille O'neal... that argument is now tarnished because Kobe now has his 4th Championship. The Magic did what they could but you cant stop the Best Team in the League. Kudos to Cousin Phil Jackson & Kobe Bean on one heck of a year! I see a Finals Rematch against the Celtics next year... so bring the A-Game. ENJOY the Pics.

Note: I know we're like a day late... lot of things been going on! Congrats to the Lakers tho!
LAKE FIVE FRESH. haha. I smell a Repeat.

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